

The task for the dentist with dental prosthetics is to find harmony between functional requirements and individual aesthetic of the patient. Everyone wants to smile and leave a good impression about oneself. Facial expression and smile characterizes the individuality of each of us and are a special form of nonverbal communication that demonstrates the fun, friendly disposition and approval.

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Before beginning of prosthetics for individual aesthetic restorations you must be guided by several principles:

1. Filling in of an aesthetic form, which specifies the parameters of the analysis of face, the ratio of the teeth and lips, the diction.

2. Conducting of functional analysis.

3. Oral and extra oral photo documentary.

4. Passing the information to the dental technician.

5. Making of wax modeling by the technician (Wax-up) and provisory restorations (temporary crown).

After that, proceed to prosthetics of permanent orthopedic structures.


Dental prosthesis is divided into removable and fixed.

НFixed dental prosthetics is to eliminate defects in the dentition by replacement and (or) restoration of natural teeth with artificial structures that are fixed to the teeth or implants

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Variants of attached structures: crowns, bridges, veneers (Lumineers), tabs / caps. Fixed prosthesis inside has a frame which is covered with ceramic. Frames are divided into metal, produced by casting or milling (CAD / CAM), and also made of aluminum oxide and zirconium oxide.

Computer modeling and computer manufacturing is used in the prosthetics. The work begins by scanning a plaster stamp. Acquired information in digital form is processed and a three-dimensional model of the stump is created. Then a dental technician creates a virtual skeleton. A digital file containing data about the virtual frame is sent to the production center, where the carcass is milled or baked. After which the frame is applied to ceramic mass.

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With this approach Your personality will be saved, the ceramic restoration will distinguish with significant aesthetics and functionality. That is the modern model of prosthetics.